Mental Health Check

Hey, guys. I haven’t been feeling the best lately. My anxiety has come back to an disruptive level. It’s been close to a year since I’ve felt this way and I don’t like it. The past week has been shitty. The youngest came down with a stomach bug while also getting 9,000 of his teethContinueContinue reading “Mental Health Check”

I tried a weighted blanket. Here’s what happened.

Turns out weighted blankets aren’t miracle workers. At least not for me. I believed weighted blankets were the unicorns of the sleep world, and catching one would surely grant me immediate access to an uninterrupted night’s sleep. Oh, the things you believe when you’re exhausted. Weighted blankets have become a trendy thing. With me, itContinueContinue reading “I tried a weighted blanket. Here’s what happened.”

Free Falling into Fall

I’m still coming off the hell that was last week with both kids sick. And I’m missing coffee more than ever. The three year old finally returned to sleeping through the night in his bed without waking up screeching multiple times a night. The baby is making progress. He’s still congested and coughs at night,ContinueContinue reading “Free Falling into Fall”