How I was Saved By Bloody Band-aids

This is not a squeamish post. In fact, there is no blood involved at all. Now, before you start accusing me of click-bait headlines, let me explain. Let's start with the fact that I was still nursing my 2.5 years old. This was so far past what I expected or wanted. But I wasContinue reading "How I was Saved By Bloody Band-aids"

Back to my Roots

Casandra Banuelos via Mixkit For all its awfulness, 2020 has flown by for my family. I started freelancing full-time in January, and then when the pandemic hit, we all kind of fell into a new routine. I opened the Maker Mama shop just a few months ago, and I have to be honest that itContinue reading "Back to my Roots"

Featured Artist Friday! Nena Lopez

This is something new that I'm starting that's been on my mind for a while. What was once a creative outlet for me in dealing through the emotions of motherhood, this blog has transitioned to focusing on supporting other artist moms on their journey, whatever that may look like. Continue to look for featured artistContinue reading "Featured Artist Friday! Nena Lopez"

Here Comes Ingo Gift Bundle for Kids

It's getting to be that time of year again when people start thinking about holidays and gifts. I always love finding unique gifts to give to friends and loved ones. Sure, it's easy to walk into Target and pick out something they will like. I mean, I love Target. But what's really fun and excitingContinue reading "Here Comes Ingo Gift Bundle for Kids"

It’s Fall Y’all! We’ve Got Your Autumn Home Decor

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for fall. It's my favorite time of year. The coolness, comfy sweaters, Halloween, blazing autumn colors. What's not to love? Well, this fall sure looks different, especially for parents with kids doing virtual learning or sending their kids back to school in a transformed environment. But ifContinue reading "It’s Fall Y’all! We’ve Got Your Autumn Home Decor"